Digital Home of Lucus Van Blaircum
Here you'll find an ever expanding overview of my background, beliefs, values, and accomplishments.
Who am I?
You'll find content related to who I am professionally under the About menu above. Here I want to take a moment to outline who I am personally.
Dog Friend
I've been "Puppy Dad", "Uncle Lucus", "Best Buds", etc. my whole life. I love dogs - especially German Shepherds. (I couldn't pick just one photo of my dog Azrael so I added a few. You're welcome.)

The word "outdoorsman" carries more meaning than may apply, but I can't get enough of being outside. I live near Falls Lake in Raleigh, NC and spend hours walking my dog around its various trails. There's no better way to get 10,000 steps a day than in the woods or on the lakeshore.
I worked in residential construction for almost a decade. Since then, I've continued to find true joy in working with my hands - going so far as to build an entire bedroom furniture set from scratch, including the desk I work at.

For no other reason than because I wanted to learn more, and to feel confident giving advice to friends and colleagues related to health, I am a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist®. I am not a practicing Trainer, but I know a thing or two about a thing or two about weight lifting, nutrition, and general physical fitness.
Well, that's a bit hyperbolic, but I do love a good bonfire and if I'm not working, working out, or walking my dog I'm probably chopping wood, snapping kindling, and lighting up the night.

Long Range Marksman
I've been back and forth on including this detail, for rather obvious reasons. But shooting, especially long-range, is a significant hobby of mine and I thoroughly enjoy it. It's a lot like golf, or yoga, in that it forces the participant to being simultaneously calm and relaxed while strongly in control of a highly kinetic event. It's meditative.
Latest posts
It's rare, but on occasion I'll write about something I'm interested in.
Get in touch
Please reach out if you're interested in working together, or are curious if I can help.